Originally Posted By: NightHunter

Why would you think that a landowner that spent time and money controlling predators wouldn't be managing their habitat and herd densities.

I never said that they wouldn't. I said that its not cost effective nor is it a good long term management strategy to try and manage the prey species past a level that represents a "happy medium" or balance between the habitat and the animals. Doing so only leads to other issues that in the long run become just as counter productive as predation. Things such as habitat degradation.

Originally Posted By: NightHunter
Coyotes can be controlled to an extent but predator control of any kind must be part of a well rounded property and herd management plan.

No it doesn't. It's far from a "necessity" for a well rounded property plan. The habitat that surrounds me is mostly for quail hunting. As such it makes prime fawning habitat. There are no professional trappers running around our neighborhood insuring the future of our herd. Most of the landowners in my area are dealing with the issue of what to do with so many does. You guys are just selling a service to most folks that's not needed and the same goals can be accomplished through other means for a much lower cost.

Last edited by CNC; 05/06/14 12:00 PM.

We dont rent pigs